"Fried Green Tomatoes"

At the first time I read about this movie, before watching it, I thought that a film with an unusual name "Fried Green Tomatoes"  and with common story would not worth. I was wrong, and "we should not judge a book by its cover", indeed. 

The story is told through two different times, 1930 and 1990. The central story concerns Friendship, mainly the amazing friendship between two girls, both with very different personalities, that runs among other stories concerning common people, however rich and strong characters, the ideal of characters that a writer looks for. 

The other secret that makes this movie beautiful is how the story is retold with simplicity by the screenplayer, keeping some mistery and a balanced emotion sewn through the dialogues. And surely, only the bright cast of artists to guarantee this touching and well told story.

This is such a beautiful "poetic" movie for me, not massive, written with simplicity about lives, meantime sophisticated, because the story was told with a light arrangement of touching dialogues, even when no words are needed, just the face expressions.


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